Fukuchiyama Ark Hotel

カテゴリー: 08HHotelsKyoto by the Sea Tourism Zonesakura2.5

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Fukuchiyama Ark Hotel


The hotel is in an outstanding location, just a 3 minute stroll from Fukuchiyama station. On the first floor we have a Japanese restaurant with meals centered around local area produce and a strong sense of the seasons. Free Wifi throughout the building means you can connect to the internet anywhere. Whether its business or sightseeing, a suitably high convenience hotel.

Room only/6,500 JPY〜

Fukuchiyama Ark Hotel

1-24 Suehirocho, Fukuchiyama-shi, Kyoto
TEL 0773-24-3333
FAX 0773-24-3553
E-mail info@f-ark.com
URL https://www.f-ark.com/